Thursday, June 16, 2011

Perfect Rating Blog Is Now Live!

Nobody. That's how many readers I have as of right now. But that's OK, I'm confident that more people will start reading this blog because I plan to make it as entertaining and helpful as possible.
I'm going to make my first post about what I plan to contribute to this blog. But first let me tell you about me.

I grew up loving video games, TV and movies just as much as the next kid but I didn't expect to have as much passion about entertainment as I do now. I'm 18 by the way, I just graduated high school and I'm looking forward to continuing my education in college. I'm planning on majoring in Film, or maybe Creative Writing, I'm undecided I guess you could say :). I love the Internet, and I believe it's one of the greatest man made inventions in the history of everdom. I use it for almost everything but mainly to find out about the newest movies, games, and technology that is out there. Sometimes I think I know a little TOO much about these subjects and often find myself starting conversations with friends about stuff that they don't even know! Ha ha. But anyways, the reason I started this blog and 'Perfect Rating' was to inform people about movies they want to see or games they want to play but don't know if they should. So to put it short, I review entertainment. If you are looking for fun, not too serious, reviews then you should definitely stick around! ;) Blog ya later.

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