Thursday, November 10, 2011


     THE THIRD INSTALLMENT of the Modern Warfare series has finally arrived, but was the hype worth waiting? Well, if you absolutely despised Black Ops and loved Modern Warfare 1 & 2 then it definitely was worth the wait. The Infinity Ward engine hasn't changed much besides a few tweaks but why fix something that isn't broken? The single player campaign is pure action from start to finish and the story is better to understand than was Modern Warfare 2's cluster f*ck of a campaign. Still, MW3's campaign was not nearly as perfect and breathtaking as the first Modern Warfare but all in all it is fun to play.
     But enough about the campaign, the real reason you're reading this is to find out how good or bad the multiplayer is, and it is my pleasure to inform you that it is addicting and fun. Just as any other Call of Duty's multiplayer MW3 comes with loads of new features and modes for players to enjoy and it will keep gamers playing this game for many years. The new multiplayer modes Kill Confirmed and Team Defender are a great way to keep the game fresh and balanced so that players new to Call of Duty will have a way to familiarize themselves with the gameplay. There are plenty of weapon proficiencies and attachments to choose from aside from the new killstreak packages and perks also available.
     If there's one thing bad I must say about MW3 it's that it looks and feels way too similar to MW2 and that's not a bad thing. But it's not just the graphics and feel that are the same, its the sounds, menus, gameplay, maps and more that look the same and its all starting to feel outdated. The maps and shotguns have also been getting ripped apart by gamers abroad but aside from the minor flaws, this last game of the Modern Warfare series is up there with the best CoD's and maybe at number 2 on my list of the best CoD's behind CoD4: MW of course. From Spec Ops to Multiplayer, Campaign to Elite, MW3 comes with many variety of features and modes to play and is sure to keep you playing until next year's new CoD. It should be a definite buy for all FPS and CoD lovers everywhere.

I give 'Call of Duty: MW3' a rating of: 4/5

Make sure to comment below, share and follow this blog!!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


First of all I would like to apologize for the lack of posts that I've been publishing on here. I have been enjoying this summer vacation but I'm ready to continuing reviewing for you guys. 'Captain America: The First Avenger' was one of my most anticipated movies of the summer, mainly because I'm a big fan of Marvel and what they've accomplished on the big screen. 'Captain America' was created sort of as a film to setup for next years 'Avengers' movie where we will see all the Marvel superheroes team up. But after watching 'Captain America' it didn't seem much of a setup, but more of a stand alone film. It was marvelously(no pun intended) made and had an old fashion feel throughout the movie. The sets and cast was what impressed me the most. The sets because it made me feel like I was seeing a movie that was actually made in the 1940's New York. And the cast because each character had their moment on screen without ever over acting as I like to say. I was worried at how Chris Evans was going to handle being a 'likeable' hero but he pulled it off great. But enough about the pros, lets talk about the cons in the movie. One thing that disappointed me the most was that the relationship of Captain America and Peggy was not fully brought out. Another thing was that some of the action was cut too short and sometimes didn't seem to make sense at all. However, I had fun watching 'Captain America' and I cannot wait to see 'The Avengers'. That reminds me, make sure to stay after the credits as you will see the teaser for 'The Avengers' which blew my mind.

Other Points: 'Captain America' is fun, it mostly stayed true to the comics and has 'ok' 3D.
I give 'Captain America' a rating of: 3.5/5

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Back To Regular Schedule This Friday!

I haven't posted any new reviews since last, last Tuesday and I'm sorry for that. I've just been busy with personal  business and haven't had a chance to get on here. As many of you may or may not know, Transformers: Dark Of the Moon was released today and I'm looking forward to reviewing it for whoever follows this blog if any ;). The review will be up this Friday so stay tuned!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

New DVD/GAME Releases: Tuesday, June 21 2011

DVD's coming out today are : 'The Adjustment Bureau' and 'Unknown'

GAMES coming out today are: 'F.E.A.R 3' and 'Dungeon Siege III'

Be sure to check them out if you have a chance. (:


Pitbull, the king of radio is back...actually he never left. His newest album 'Planet Pit' is like Pitbull's gift to DJ's around the world. I'm sure his single 'Shake Senora' will be bumping speakers at a club or car near you. If that isn't enough then you'll be sure to hear 'Mr. Right Now' (which is my personal favorite song from this album) next time you change the radio station. Probably because it features the always catchy Akon. Other catchy artists in the album include Enrique Iglesias, Ne-Yo, T-Pain and Nelly. All 16 ear-catching tracks on this album prove Pitbull is talented and is at his prime at retaining his mainstream reputation. I can't find anything bad to say about this album other than some of Pitbull's unenthusiastic rapping. Otherwise, 'Planet Pit' is a definite buy if you love Pop.

I give 'Planet Pit' a rating of: 4/5


LMFAO always get me in the mood to party. The music they make isn't meant to inspire or amaze, it's meant to make you feel good and 'Sorry for Party Rocking' had me captivated. Mostly because of the beats of the songs, like the song 'Sexy and I Know It' for example is exactly what 'party rockers' love. One major weak point in this album is LMFAO's inability to rap well. Over halfway through the album I was wondering if the repetition of the weak lyrics were ever going to stop. But then again rapping isn't what they're known for. If you have been a fan of LMFAO since the beginning you might like this album... might. With that said, I know LMFAO can do better and I know they will.

I give 'Sorry For Party Rocking' a rating of: 2/5

Monday, June 20, 2011

BREAKING: 'Jackass' star Ryan Dunn dies in tragic car accident

It has come to my understanding that Ryan Dunn from MTV's series 'Jackass' has passed away just hours after suffering injuries from a terrible car accident around 3:00 A.M Monday morning, June 20th. TMZ was first to break the news after Bam Margera's mother, April Margera, confirmed what had happened. Apparently Dunn was drinking with friends at a Pennsylvania bar just hours before the accident. Officers said Dunn's Porsche was engulfed in flames when they arrived at the scene after it careened off the highway through a metal guardrail. Ryan Dunn was the driver at the time and there was an unidentified passenger with him who also passed away. My condolences go out to Dunn's family and to his close friends. He entertained millions and he will be missed by millions.
Dunn's wrecked Porsche is pictured in the above photo.

Friday, June 17, 2011


As a comic book fan, I had big expectations from 'Green Lantern' seeing as it was directed by Martin Campbell who directed one of my huge favorites 'Casino Royale'. Unfortunately it seems as though no one in production had any imagination or thought of how this movie should be. The acting was flat and dull, mainly on Blake Lively's part, and Ryan Reynolds showed nothing special. This leads me to where I believe this movie failed, the script. Every other minute we got corny jokes from Ryan or just plain boring lines which dragged the film and kept me thinking when the movie was going end. The story tries hard to follow the comics and it does well, just not well enough. I have to give credit to the FX department though, they really did a great job on delivering eye-candy galore, action set pieces. If you're going to see the movie because you're a die-hard fan, then go see it with the LOWEST expectations, otherwise you'll be wanting you're money back within the first 30 minutes. Talking about money, save it by watching this in 2D, you'll appreciate the FX more. Also, there is a scene in the credits if you're curious.

I give 'Green Lantern' a rating of: 1.5/5


I find these types of films hard to review. Mostly because it's a family comedy film and these films aren't made to be Oscar worthy, unless of course they're being made by Pixar. But 'Mr. Popper's Penguins' isn't, it's directed by Mark Waters whose previous films include 'Mean Girls' and 'Freaky Friday' and it stars the always funny Jim Carrey. Now Jim Carrey is a funny guy but he unfortunately hasn't made any acclaimed hits like 'Bruce Almighty' or 'The Truman Show'. Mark Waters somehow managed to bring Jim's charm back in this movie and he also managed to not make 'Penguins' a headache waiting to happen. Children will absolutely love this movie, it's filled with penguin farts, poo and ridiculous jokes but it's also filled with heart. That is what I liked about this movie; it tells the story of a man (Jim Carrey) who goes through a life changing journey with penguins that teach him that life isn't just about money. With that said don't expect a laughing bonanza but don't expect a tear jerker either. The film does what it sets out to do, although it could have been much more better. I wouldn't say this is a definite must see but I recommend you rent it when it comes out on DVD so you can enjoy it at home with your family. :)

I give this film a rating of: 3/5

Leave a comment below telling me what you thought of the film!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Tomorrow's Reviews: 'Green Lantern' and 'Mr. Poppers Penguins'

I'm going to start off my reviews easy tomorrow by reviewing 'Green Lantern' and 'Mr. Poppers Penguins'. I've been looking forward to seeing 'Green Lantern' and I'm a big fan of Jim Carrey who is in 'Penguins'.
Stay tuned!

Review Outline

Before I start reviewing, I'm going to give you a basic outline of how and when I will do my reviews.

I'll most likely do reviews of what's most popular and then maybe do requests that you give me. I'll try to post reviews every Tuesday and Friday. Every Tuesday because that's when most games and DVDs come out. Every Friday because that's when most movies open.

I'll start my reviews by giving you some basic information about the thing I'm reviewing and then I'll say what I expected. After that, I'll go more in depth on what I experienced out of the certain movie, game, or album per say that I reviewed. Finally I'll give a 'Perfect Rating' on the specific thing that I reviewed. The highest rating is 5/5 with 1/5 being the lowest.

So this is my planned outline of my reviews and I hope you all like it! It's simple and useful at the same time. Don't worry I'll try to add some humor, pics, videos and fun into my reviews to not make them as boring as some others out there. ;) Be sure you answer my poll on the right on what you want me to review!

Perfect Rating Blog Is Now Live!

Nobody. That's how many readers I have as of right now. But that's OK, I'm confident that more people will start reading this blog because I plan to make it as entertaining and helpful as possible.
I'm going to make my first post about what I plan to contribute to this blog. But first let me tell you about me.

I grew up loving video games, TV and movies just as much as the next kid but I didn't expect to have as much passion about entertainment as I do now. I'm 18 by the way, I just graduated high school and I'm looking forward to continuing my education in college. I'm planning on majoring in Film, or maybe Creative Writing, I'm undecided I guess you could say :). I love the Internet, and I believe it's one of the greatest man made inventions in the history of everdom. I use it for almost everything but mainly to find out about the newest movies, games, and technology that is out there. Sometimes I think I know a little TOO much about these subjects and often find myself starting conversations with friends about stuff that they don't even know! Ha ha. But anyways, the reason I started this blog and 'Perfect Rating' was to inform people about movies they want to see or games they want to play but don't know if they should. So to put it short, I review entertainment. If you are looking for fun, not too serious, reviews then you should definitely stick around! ;) Blog ya later.