Tuesday, July 26, 2011


First of all I would like to apologize for the lack of posts that I've been publishing on here. I have been enjoying this summer vacation but I'm ready to continuing reviewing for you guys. 'Captain America: The First Avenger' was one of my most anticipated movies of the summer, mainly because I'm a big fan of Marvel and what they've accomplished on the big screen. 'Captain America' was created sort of as a film to setup for next years 'Avengers' movie where we will see all the Marvel superheroes team up. But after watching 'Captain America' it didn't seem much of a setup, but more of a stand alone film. It was marvelously(no pun intended) made and had an old fashion feel throughout the movie. The sets and cast was what impressed me the most. The sets because it made me feel like I was seeing a movie that was actually made in the 1940's New York. And the cast because each character had their moment on screen without ever over acting as I like to say. I was worried at how Chris Evans was going to handle being a 'likeable' hero but he pulled it off great. But enough about the pros, lets talk about the cons in the movie. One thing that disappointed me the most was that the relationship of Captain America and Peggy was not fully brought out. Another thing was that some of the action was cut too short and sometimes didn't seem to make sense at all. However, I had fun watching 'Captain America' and I cannot wait to see 'The Avengers'. That reminds me, make sure to stay after the credits as you will see the teaser for 'The Avengers' which blew my mind.

Other Points: 'Captain America' is fun, it mostly stayed true to the comics and has 'ok' 3D.
I give 'Captain America' a rating of: 3.5/5