Monday, July 23, 2012


   In this review, I will not explain the plot, give away any spoilers or compare it to the masterpiece that was The Dark Knight. I won't be doing any of those things because The Dark Knight Rises is not worthy of them. I'm not saying that in a bad way though because as was expected, Christopher Nolan (Director) has once again given us a spectacle, an event, and a film so mesmerizing that makes all other summer blockbusters this year look like kids stuff.
     From the beautiful IMAX aerial shots of Gotham to the masterful construed action set pieces, The Dark Knight Rises production value is one of the best I've ever seen. It raises the bar infinitely for special effects departments. Not the CGI effects either, I'm talking about the old school 'blowing actual sets up' and making everything look realistic instead of relying on gimmicky computer effects which Nolan has never done. Pfister's cinematography here is some of his best work; he gives you a true cinematic experience.
     If anything from Rises deserves an Oscar, it's in the technical aspect for sure as the story and acting are not quite up to par from what's to come in Oscar season. The first and third act are no doubt sleek in their storytelling but everything in the second act feels a bit crammed into one jumbled montage of nothing but plot. I suppose it feels like it because of all the editing Nolan had to do in order to avoid a 3 hour film. Nonetheless, the screenwriting here is some of the best of the year and challenges the viewer to keep up.
     No one in Rises livens up the film as great as Anne Hathaway (Selina Kyle a.k.a Catwoman) does. I had my doubts with her but I'm glad to say she proved me and a lot others wrong. I might go as far as to say it's her best role yet. And Tom Hardy (Bane) gives yet another intense and brutal performance with a villain as menacing as Darth Vader and Bronson put together. Pure evil seethes in each frame he's in, it's incredible. Levitt (Blake) and Cotillard (Miranda Tate) also bring something new and fresh while Bale (Bruce Wayne), Caine (Alfred), Freeman (Fox), and Oldman (Gordon) all shine in their roles with each improving from the previous installments.
     The Dark Knight Rises is a rare classic film which comes in a time of movies with lazy storytelling and cheap 3D. I was shocked, amazed, horrified, amused, riveted, heartbroken, and thrilled with each passing second of this 165 minute film which never bores thanks to a terrific score by Hans Zimmer. The fight scenes between Batman and Bane are sure to become as iconic as the franchise itself and deservedly so. To all critics, lets put small nitpicks aside and marvel (no pun intended) at this ingenious and satisfying closure which Nolan and crew have honored us with while we still have a chance. It truly doesn't get much better than this.

I give The Dark Knight Rises a perfect rating of: 5/5
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Friday, July 20, 2012

Massacre At 'Dark Knight Rises' Midnight Screening in Colorado

James E. Holmes, the suspect of the shooting.
   As much of the world woke up on Friday morning, horrifying news of a mass killing in Aurora, Colorado by an armed and masked shooter shocked people everywhere. Reportedly, during a midnight screening of 'The Dark Knight Rises' a lone and armored gunman entered through an exit door of Theater 9 at a multiplex, triggered a Tear Gas grenade and commenced shooting at the still seated audience.
     CNN reports 71 people were shot and 12 people dead, many of whom were killed at the scene. Police have identified the shooter as James E. Holmes, a PHd student of Neuroscience at the University of Colorado and that his apartment is "filled with booby-traps" that may take days to dismantle. Perfect Rating is deeply saddened about this news and our prayers and condolences are with the families and victims of this tragedy.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


It's been over a year since I made this blog and unfortunately I abandoned it a short while after. I did so because of college and other priorities that I won't get into. I also did it because I thought this blog wouldn't gather any traffic quickly. But I have now realized that leaving it was such a premature decision and one that was not made wisely. That said, I'm glad to announce to those who are actually reading that Perfect Rating will be reborn starting this weekend with my review of none other than 'The Dark Knight Rises'. I will be rating everything entertainment as well as informing you with news and releases of DVD's and video games. SO STAY TUNED!

Thursday, November 10, 2011


     THE THIRD INSTALLMENT of the Modern Warfare series has finally arrived, but was the hype worth waiting? Well, if you absolutely despised Black Ops and loved Modern Warfare 1 & 2 then it definitely was worth the wait. The Infinity Ward engine hasn't changed much besides a few tweaks but why fix something that isn't broken? The single player campaign is pure action from start to finish and the story is better to understand than was Modern Warfare 2's cluster f*ck of a campaign. Still, MW3's campaign was not nearly as perfect and breathtaking as the first Modern Warfare but all in all it is fun to play.
     But enough about the campaign, the real reason you're reading this is to find out how good or bad the multiplayer is, and it is my pleasure to inform you that it is addicting and fun. Just as any other Call of Duty's multiplayer MW3 comes with loads of new features and modes for players to enjoy and it will keep gamers playing this game for many years. The new multiplayer modes Kill Confirmed and Team Defender are a great way to keep the game fresh and balanced so that players new to Call of Duty will have a way to familiarize themselves with the gameplay. There are plenty of weapon proficiencies and attachments to choose from aside from the new killstreak packages and perks also available.
     If there's one thing bad I must say about MW3 it's that it looks and feels way too similar to MW2 and that's not a bad thing. But it's not just the graphics and feel that are the same, its the sounds, menus, gameplay, maps and more that look the same and its all starting to feel outdated. The maps and shotguns have also been getting ripped apart by gamers abroad but aside from the minor flaws, this last game of the Modern Warfare series is up there with the best CoD's and maybe at number 2 on my list of the best CoD's behind CoD4: MW of course. From Spec Ops to Multiplayer, Campaign to Elite, MW3 comes with many variety of features and modes to play and is sure to keep you playing until next year's new CoD. It should be a definite buy for all FPS and CoD lovers everywhere.

I give 'Call of Duty: MW3' a rating of: 4/5

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011


First of all I would like to apologize for the lack of posts that I've been publishing on here. I have been enjoying this summer vacation but I'm ready to continuing reviewing for you guys. 'Captain America: The First Avenger' was one of my most anticipated movies of the summer, mainly because I'm a big fan of Marvel and what they've accomplished on the big screen. 'Captain America' was created sort of as a film to setup for next years 'Avengers' movie where we will see all the Marvel superheroes team up. But after watching 'Captain America' it didn't seem much of a setup, but more of a stand alone film. It was marvelously(no pun intended) made and had an old fashion feel throughout the movie. The sets and cast was what impressed me the most. The sets because it made me feel like I was seeing a movie that was actually made in the 1940's New York. And the cast because each character had their moment on screen without ever over acting as I like to say. I was worried at how Chris Evans was going to handle being a 'likeable' hero but he pulled it off great. But enough about the pros, lets talk about the cons in the movie. One thing that disappointed me the most was that the relationship of Captain America and Peggy was not fully brought out. Another thing was that some of the action was cut too short and sometimes didn't seem to make sense at all. However, I had fun watching 'Captain America' and I cannot wait to see 'The Avengers'. That reminds me, make sure to stay after the credits as you will see the teaser for 'The Avengers' which blew my mind.

Other Points: 'Captain America' is fun, it mostly stayed true to the comics and has 'ok' 3D.
I give 'Captain America' a rating of: 3.5/5

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Back To Regular Schedule This Friday!

I haven't posted any new reviews since last, last Tuesday and I'm sorry for that. I've just been busy with personal  business and haven't had a chance to get on here. As many of you may or may not know, Transformers: Dark Of the Moon was released today and I'm looking forward to reviewing it for whoever follows this blog if any ;). The review will be up this Friday so stay tuned!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

New DVD/GAME Releases: Tuesday, June 21 2011

DVD's coming out today are : 'The Adjustment Bureau' and 'Unknown'

GAMES coming out today are: 'F.E.A.R 3' and 'Dungeon Siege III'

Be sure to check them out if you have a chance. (: